Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reset is in order...

So last week I went to a party, a 50th anniversary wedding party out of town, during which I admit I have overindulged myself in a form of buffet lunch, an insanely fatty, milky and high cholesterol desert (shaved iced with condensed milk, coconut milk, syrup, durian, ketan, avocado, and a whole other thing), and seven course dinner (not all, but still...)

Then just as I'm trying to get back on track by doing some exercise and eat healthily, my parents in law came and I had a fully loaded carb meal in a form of Sinjay Duck Rice....

So, I decided to restart.

Reset, so to speak.

Today I start a 48 hour detox...which means I'm having nothing but fruit juice...

So today and tomorrow is day zero, that is, if everything goes as planned. Which after reviewing what I ate so far, I can say that almost nothing goes as planned. Example, last night. Just as I thought I made the day by having Semanggi (clover salad with peanut sauce) for lunch and half batagor, my beloved husband came home at 6:30 pm. With a box of J.Co doughnuts.

Despite the fact that I wasn't even hungry, I couldn't resist gulping down THREE doughnuts. Yup, no wonder I'm always overweight!!


It's the first Day 0 of doing Detox, and it's 2pm. So far I'm doing good... I still only consume the detox fruit juice and am on about my 4th cup of water. I'm not hungry but boy I'm dying to snack!! especially now for lunch they have a very yummy Soto and my favorite veggie dish (Pecel), not to mention some awesome snack...

But apparently I'm not supposed to have anything...not even some candy...

I think I can make it, but tonight I'm supposed to buy my mom a very yummy pastry she's been craving...only time will tell if I survive the temptations...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 6

Weight: 57.5KG (yaiks!!)

Exercise: *sigh*

What I ate:

Breakfast: A Bar of Brem


  • Drumstick chicken (grilled)
  • A bowl of soup
  • Steamed veggies with peanut sauce
  • A bowl of soup
  • A slice of pork chop
  • Two spoons of rice
Seems like I'm back to square one...can I blame it on Holiday weight? or better yet, pms bloating?

Day 5

Weight: Ehm, yeah...I forgot.

Exercise: Nil

What I ate:

Breakfast: two slices of bread, one with Nutella spread. Bad move, I know.

Lunch: A portion of rice with two lamb satays.  

Dinner: three pieces of fried tofu and a salad of raw veggies + healthy juice (a mixed of cabbage, pinapple, lemon juice)

Day 4

Weight: Too scared to weigh :)

Exercise: An hour with my daughter in Cartoon Kingdom, which includes climbing, crawling, running, hiking ...hei, I sweat more than 15 minutes doing stationary bike!!

What I ate:

Breakfast: Nasi Bebek Sinjay, baby!! (Which means a heap of rice and two pieces of fried duck)

Lunch: One piece of McDonald's fried chicken.  My bad. :(

Dinner: Nothing.  

Day 3

Weight: 56.8KG

Exercise: 30 minutes of brisk walking. in heels (Yeah, I was walking from my daughter's school to the nearby grocery store while waiting for my turn to get her Report Card...)

What I ate:

Breakfast: A bowl of Rawon (beef soup) with rice

Lunch: 200gr of grilled Salmon

Dinner: A glass of Fat Free Yogurt

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 2

Weight: 57.5KG

What I ate:

Breakfast: A cup of coffee


  • A spoon of noodle (or two )
  • A bowl of soup
  • A portion of veggies
  • A piece of chicken wing
  • Two cut of beef ribs
  • A slice of tempe
  • An egg
  • Fresh Mango Juice, no sugar
  • A glass of fat free yogurt

Day 1

Weight: 57.5KG (at 10:15pm)

Exercise of the day: 15 minutes on bike, 150 cal + 10 minutes of Abs work out

What I ate:
Breakfast: A cup of coffee (I can't eat too early in the morning!)
  • Ten thin slices of tofu (Tahu Tek)
  • A portion of Fish (Fried though, I guess that negates everything)
  • A bowl of Tom Yam soup
  • A piece of Chicken (Again, fried :( )
  • Half Apple
  • A portion of cod fish, grilled with tomato and olive
  • two cuts of grilled potato
  • Fresh Kiwi Juice, no sugar added
  • Quite a few of Italian breadsticks
What I should have done:
  • Choose either fish or chicken during lunch, instead of both. Can't help it if it's fried since it's provided by the office
  • Forget the Italian breadsticks during dinner, and should only finish half of the fish, it wasn't that good and I wasn't that hungry anyway...

and so it begins...

I have always been frenemies with food.

I enjoyed eating, I really do ... I love all kinds of food, western, asian, middle eastern, fusion, you name it. I love steak, burgers, comfort-fully-loaded-carb food, salad, veggies, I love spicy food, rich food, or simple one with a dash of olive oil and salt.

But after giving birth THREE years ago, I can't seem to shake off the last six pounds, which is not good considering I had never been on ideal weight to begin with.

While I'm quite happy with myself, the fact that I can only lose weight if I eat once a day is unsettling.

I can't seem to lose weight although I believe I don't eat a lot. Or do I? Anyway, they said you are what you eat...so I want to know who I am by knowing what I eat.

This journal is meant to be private, it's meant only for me, though some encouraging words and advices are always welcome of course.

I want to take note of my weight, the food I'm eating, and my "exercise" of the day... and perhaps from this record I can tell what I did wrong...